With October once again upon us, the time is fast approaching for Colorado residents to winterize their homes, which includes your sprinkler system.
Winterizing your sprinklers is a crucial step in preparing for the freezing temperatures. Especially if you want to prevent cracks and defects in the pipes from plaguing you with further expenses and repairs during the rest of the year.
It can be a gamble to figure out when the best time to shut off your system and begin the winterization process.
Start too soon, and your lawn may go without necessary water it needs for the upcoming winter.
Start too late, and you’ll get stuck with expensive sprinkler repairs when the hard freeze comes.
The best suggestion for when to turn off your sprinklers is right when the cold weather begins. Keep an eye on your local forecast for when the big freeze is coming, and plan around that. Give yourself a few days as a cushion just to be safe, and begin preparations for the winterization process.
Winterization & Blowouts
With colder temperatures quickly approaching, the time to winterize your sprinkler is fast approaching. October is considered ‘blowout season’ in Colorado, which means it’s time for you to clear the water from your pipes.
The process for blowing out your sprinkler system isn’t complicated, but it does take some decent preparation before beginning. You need to consider the material and size of your sprinkler system in order to determine the right amount of pressure needed to blow the water out of your pipes.
Once the proper pressure is determined, the system is then capped off at the ends, except for an escape valve and the insert valve for the air compressor. Finally, the air compressor is turned on, which forces the water to evacuate from your pipes, leaving them clear and ready for winter
Not Winterizing Your Pipes & DIY Jobs
You’re free to decide if you want to go through the process of winterizing your pipes or not. Just know that not doing it will guarantee that you’ll be spending hundreds next year on sprinkler repairs.
When standing water is left in your sprinkler pipes, it will eventually freeze with the temperatures. The frozen water can expand and will eventually crack the pipe, making your entire irrigation system useless. Worse yet, once the ice thaws and leaves open cracks in the pipe, running water can then leak and potentially get inside your home.
Some residents may choose to blowout their sprinklers themselves, but not every sprinkler system is made the same way. Some may not be able to stand up to certain amounts of pressure through the system, depending on their material and size. DIY blowouts can potentially result in more extensive damage to your system than you’ll ultimately end up paying for.
We believe that it’s always best to call a professional to come winterize your sprinklers for you. The process quick and affordable, and a professional will know how much pressure is needed to blowout your individual system.